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General Information
Thanks to trade, commerce, industry and well established schools, Olten has developed into a lively small town and became the centre of a flourishing district. A wide cultural program and practically every type of sport offers recreation and relaxation. Olten is the ideal meeting place, appropriate rooms of every type and size as well as excellent gastronomical facilities cater for every taste. Olten is also called “the city in the green space” and the river Aare gives the city a very romantic touch. The traffic free old town offers a big choice for shopping.


Museum of Art
This museum is one of the most interesting in Switzerland. There you will see pictures from Martin Distli, one of the most famous painter in Switzerland in the first part of the 19th century, and artworks by other artists.
Museum of Nature
It is a museum on two different floors. On the first floor they show a skull and tusks from a mammoth found next the today’s train station, and other remnant of animals from the region. On the second floor you will see typical animals of this region.
Museum of History
The museum, founded in 1901, shows a lot of Oltens past. Their own money they had, a wonderful collection of tin, old tumblers and old traditional jewelry, self-made by the goldsmiths.

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